Featured articles
Wildfire safety: What to do before a wildfire
Tips to help you assess your risk and identify ways to help protect your home and family.
What to do after a wildfire
The aftermath of a wildfire can feel overwhelming. When you get the all-clear to return home, know where to start and how to stay safe as you recover.
Fire and safety articles
Create a fire escape plan today!
Make a home fire evacuation plan to be better prepared in case of a fire. Teach your kids how to avoid smoke inhalation, escape to safety and understand fire hazards.
Fire safety equipment to have at home
Every home should work to be prepared with fire safety equipment to help in case of an emergency.
What to know about fire-resistant homes
Simple maintenance, proper material choice and leading practices may help create a more fire-resistant home.
Answers about automatic fire sprinkler systems
Commercial sprinkler systems are a key step in fire protection. If you have questions, get answers to help protect your business from devastating fire damage.
Fire safety for businesses
Learn workplace fire safety and prevention tips to help protect your employees and business.
Fire safety equipment to have at home
Every home should work to be prepared with fire safety equipment to help in case of an emergency.
What to do after a house fire
Consider these tips to help you and your family recover after a house fire.
Wood stove and space heater safety
Learn how to keep your family safe and warm with these recommended safety tips.
Help protect your home against common causes of house fires
House fires can start in various ways, all resulting in danger. Familiarize yourself with these fire prevention tips to help reduce the risk.
Tips for the family
Prepare a babysitter checklist
Consider putting together a checklist for yourself and a list of important information about your child, family and home to help prepare your babysitter.
How a storm shelter or safe room can help protect against severe weather
Constructing a safe room within your home can help protect you from natural disasters and weather emergencies.
Teaching your kids emergency preparedness
Weather emergencies may scare your kids, but helping them understand what to expect can help reduce the stress.
Insurance tips
How to create a home inventory
A home inventory can help expedite the insurance claims process after theft, damage or loss.
What is individual liability insurance and what does it cover?
Liability insurance is typically a portion of the coverage for a home or vehicle policy. A Personal Liability Umbrella Policy may be another viable option for further protection.
Why should I review my home insurance annually?
The next time you need to renew your insurance policies, consider taking these steps to make sure you understand what your coverages are.
What you need to know about replacement cost vs market value
Learn the difference between replacement cost value and market value coverage to make an informed decision when purchasing home insurance.
How much life insurance do I need?
From your income to your children's future education, here's what to consider when you buy life insurance.
Personal property and casualty insurance
What is personal property and casualty insurance? Learn more information on automobile, homeowners, watercraft, condo, renters and more.
The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with State Farm® (including State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. State Farm is not responsible for, and does not endorse or approve, either implicitly or explicitly, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. The information is not intended to replace manuals, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. State Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.